Tooth Gems

Tooth Gem


Please note: We typically only keep clear and colored swarovski crystals on hand, as well as “the x-large shimmer collection.” Any other gems must be custom-ordered for your appointment in advance.

Swipe through to view just a few of the gems available for preorder, & view the rest here:



  • Are tooth gems for men or women?
    Both. There are many different designs that appeal to everyone.

  • How old do I have to be to get a Tooth Gem?
    We only apply gems to those over the age of 18.

  • Does the application procedure hurt?
    Not at all. The procedure is similar to placing an orthodontic bracket (braces) on a tooth.
    There is no drilling involved, and the procedure is completely painless.

  • How long does the application procedure take?
    The application takes about 10 minutes.

  • Can you apply a gem that I bring in myself?
    We only use gems from our trusted supplier. In the event that something must be preordered for you, we’ll have you order it on your own, leave the package completely unopened, and bring it to your appointment. Your total due will be reduced by the amount paid (a receipt will come in the package). We never apply any gems that have been opened or that were purchased from an untrusted supplier.

  • Can I get a tooth gem if I use invisalign or something similar?
    Unfortunately not. The retainer would no longer fit properly.

  • Will I feel the crystal on my tooth?
    Trebbih’s gems are very small in diameter (1.7-5mm).
    Initially, something on your tooth will feel different, but a few days after the application you will get used to the new feeling.

  • How do I care for my new gem after the service?
    Don’t touch or play with your new gem. You can drink plain water immediately after your service, but you cannot eat for a minimum of 2 hours. At that time, you can resume eating, but must stick to soft foods for a full 24 hours. Only eating soft foods in these first 24 hours will ensure that the bond between the gem and the natural tooth is secure. Do not brush your teeth for at least 12 hours after your service. Do not use an electric toothbrush for at least 48 hours after your service. After these timelines, it’s critical to maintain proper dental hygiene habits. Always brush and floss your teeth as directed by your dentist, and see them for professional cleanings as directed.

  • How long will the gem stay on my tooth?
    The lifespan of your gem is never guaranteed; there are many variables that affect it, particularly your dental hygiene habits. Tooth gems typically last a minimum of 6 months, but can last a lifetime with proper care.

  • How do I remove the gem when I no longer want it?
    If you choose to part ways with your tooth gem before its time is up, a dental professional can easily remove it. The tooth will be buffed and polished to remove any remaining bonding material.

  • Will the tooth gem harm my tooth?
    When properly placed on a natural tooth, it will not damage or harm your tooth in any way. On that note, gems should only be placed on natural teeth.

  • Does the tooth gem obstruct regular brushing?
    No, the presence of it will not make any difference regarding dental hygiene.
    However, it is recommended not to use an electric tooth brush for the first 24 hours after the gem has been applied.

  • What if the gem falls off and I swallow it?
    Our crystals have no sharp edges, and are so small that they’re very easy to swallow. They will come out “the natural way.”

  • Can I still have my teeth cleaned by my dental professional?
    Yes. You can, and should, still have your teeth cleaned every 6 months by a dental professional. Our tooth gems will not cause a problem for the hygienist cleaning your teeth. The area underneath the gem is sealed like a filling, and will not let in any bacteria. The hygienist can easily polish on top and around the gem.


  • 1 Swarovski Gem - $85

  • 1 Cubic Zirconia or 22k Gold Gem - $120

  • 1 Diamond with 22k Gold Gem - $140

    Additional gems of equal or lesser value applied within the same session, on the same client, will be 50% off. Please mention in your online booking notes that you plan to get two gems.

    PS: Ask us in advance how to save 10% at checkout!